Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Getting ready!

Yesterday the tree surgeons were around...very busy! They were chopping down any low hanging branch that may come swinging or break off during a hurricane.

This morning I went out to put my trash near my car and this massive truck with many parts came to not just pick up all these tree-branches...but to demolish them in this state-of-the-art truck...3 different parts to it.

The men fed the enormous branches chewed it up...and then spew it into the main truck.

A massive meat grinder...or on a modern level a paper shredder. So..everything that goes around...comes around. Originally the paper was made from wood products...and now it's being ground up and it will make wonderful compost....or furniture.

When I was young we had to recite this poem...Irving Berlin takes credit for writing it...but this was written long before he came along.

It's called "Woodman"

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