Sunday, September 22, 2013

A time for Introspection !
Jewish people all over the world celebrate these High Holidays, Our Days of Awe, and we seriously

try to correct our bad habits that we've developed over the years, and try to discipline ourselves into becoming better human beings.

 So...I'm thinking !    I'm considered an old lady now, although somehow they've changed the pattern and this age is considered about 10 years younger.   I haven't discussed this with an actuary, so I don't know how accurate this is.

I'm trying to figure out what I've accomplished in my life...or if I've rubbed off on anyone to make a difference in their life.    And the answer is plain and simple.....NOT REALLY.

I went to a funeral the other day and one of the mourners stood up and spoke...and it appears that the main things in this man's life was he loved to gamble...and he liked soup....but according to his kids, this  made him a great man.

Would Nixon be considered a superior human being, although he had that one big blemish on his record. 

Could be that we're all flawed and that's what makes us human!

I think maybe we're important only to ourselves and we're all held accountable for every deed.

So...I'll just live with  those thoughts...and  maybe try a little harder.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

And it's a new day!

I rarely get to watch the miraculous wee hours of the night unfold into daylight, when the sun comes  peeking through, very softly, and it's the  beginning of another day that our Creator has granted us.

I know this is a poor analogy, but this is how I feel when I first start my computer....very very gradually it lights up. ...into spectacularness!

First I see all the special icons like stars in the sky that my kids have picked for me.. and as I eye each one, it seems to say....pick me, pick me.   I'm here to serve you...whatever you desire!

Then I tap Email......and the top of the complete page forms all the information that has been stored there by the magical computer wizard.
With complete wonderment, I watch all this unfold...and oh yes,  I mustn't forget, it gives a complete yawn when it's ready...or maybe when it's bored with my choices.

Now it's my turn to see all that has transpired.      I'm ready to face a new day.    I have my morning cup of java (not the script)...and I'm ready to read my Washington Post......everything that occurred while I was sleeping.

Although in the wee hours of the morning I somtimes hear Jeff take over my puter......checking everything out......and I look at the clock and my heart breaks because I know he's having another sleepless night.

With my computer, I feel connected to the whole world....and that' why it's called www.

Im so grateful  that I'm living in this time slot......because I'm never lonely.  I recall being so thrilled to go to Office Depot to buy a small wooden desk with a slideout shelf for the keyboard....and then I pounced upon a chair that was adjustable...which is just what I need.   Next a mouse pad....and I was in business.

  Now it was up to Jeff and Donna to give me 300% patience on how to use the mouse..and the keyboard and the icons....never thought I'd get the hang of it.  They explained everything to me...even took it apart so I could see its workings.   A really outstanding service is Skype.   Bought a little camera and every single week I get to visit with my kids for about 2 hours...they sit in two chairs and we see each other and we talk.  Sometimes Bandit, one of their dogs, sits on their laps...and this is a treat too.

You Tube also plays a very important role in my everyday life.   Any song that I desire to's here.  I feel so lucky!

Everything they showed me was important...but what stands out most is my blog that they set up for me..and that's been such an outlet of my rememberings...kind of makes my life come together.

 And my Hallmark cards that they taught me to make..and I've never bought any since... the receivers of my cards all compliment me.

I musn't forget my little digital camera that I can plug into Picassa photo gallery  and store all the pictures of the people I love and the events like weddings...permanent records of their lives.

Didn't realize that   I would be this enthusiastic about an inanimate object. 

I often wonder if it wasn't for Jeff and Donna...would I still be so interested....and that's a big question....and I don't know the answer.

Dreams and our Toy Store

Most of our customers took advantage of our hide away your lay a way!  Either they didn't have room to store the toys...or they had nosy children.

Either way it was a lot of work for us...but it paid the bills.  Our customers would gather in a pile all the toys they wanted to buy.  I would squat on the floor with our Gordon Toys tablet and write every single item.   Sometimes I stayed in that position for half an hour...and I was really able to get right up.

When I think about that posture's hard to believe.

Anyway, Allen would drag their toys down to our basement and store them till Christmas eve...which I learned was Xmas noon.  Sometimes a customer would call and ask us to remove an item because it was advertised at a discount store cheaper.  Big stores like Kmart would use toys as a lost leader..and would sell it cheaper than we were able to buy it from our distributor.

Every year we did this at no extra charge to our customer...and what really bothered me then..and still does...about 12 people would not pick up their toys.

I don't know if they forgot...bought them someplace else...moved away...had a broken marriage...but we didn't want the children to have broken hearts.  I would try phoning them but often the phone was disconnected.   Then I would get on our phone and call everyone on our list who needed a special item that was hard to get...and they would fly down and thank us profusely!  One Christmas at midnight our phone rang and the voice said she forgot to pick up her my husband got out of bed and greeted her at our store.  Where else would you find service like this???

One woman came in with her son and let him collect a big pile of everything he wanted.  She told me she'd be in the next day with a down payment.  We never saw her again.   We didn't mind putting all the toys back...but what we did mind...her child's broken heart.  We carried everything...and our motto was WE THINK SMALL! 

Frequently our phone would ring and the voice on the other end would start the conversation with...I've looked everywhere..and I can't find you have a certain item.  This hurts ... I would answer that it just walked out the door with a customer.  I would her her sigh..and then she'd ask how much it went for.   Well, I learned that if you have a hard-to-get toy that you can't get, you can be very I would give her an unbelievable figure...   I was  always able to hear the gasp on the other end.   See I have a mean side too.

We also catered Christmas parties for different organizions American Legion, V.F.W. Lion's Club, churches and steel mills and PTA fun fairs.
I made up thousands of grab bags for those and put in magnets, rings, erasers, rulers, jacks, key chains, pens...and about 300 more different items.

Every year we would go to a toy show in a different state and the sales rep would tell us how much each manufacturer planned to  spend on advertising a particular we would stock up heavily on his guidelines.

At Christmas Time we found THEY LIED!

Anyway as time went by, toys became more expensive and sophisticated!  I never did learn to master Rubik's Cute.   We had Simon Sez on display at our checkout....and all day I would see the lights and hear the beeps and that was our first electronic toy!

I dream about our store very often....and I guess the Disney melody is true....A DREAM IS A WISH YOUR HEART MAKES!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Sipping my coffee and thinking!

It's hard for me to accept the fact that I'm fortunate enough to live in one of the best spots in our country.

People love to come here during the winter months just to keep warm.

Is this a good thing?? It all depends on what side of the counter you're on.

When we had a business, I would have welcomed them with open arms...maybe ran outside to lure them in.

Now that I'm a customer, it's a whole different situation. I like when they're gone. I like when the roads are empty. I love going to a restaurant and not waiting in line...prices on everything automatically goes up in the winter.

I guess it's called 'supply and demand'.

Am I being selfish? Do I want the sun all to myself? Do I, as the Jefferson's on TV used to say...or do I just want my piece of the pie.

Bottom line is...I wait till Easter and Passover...and then as if by magic...they've flown the coup.

Is this a narrow way of thinking? Yes, definitely, but I get my old Florida back.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Yom Kippur eve

I found this very interesting rabbi on the internet....and I'd like to include what she had to say on you tube.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Grateful for what is

Monday, April 28, 2008

It was like magic!

When we first moved to our little villa here in Florida, my first big amazement was that the drawers in the kitchen and bathroom didn't just pull out...they were on sliders and they were not just effortless...but they just slid!

Then we bought a bedroom suite, including two night stands, a chest of drawers and a triple dresser....and the beauty was all the wonderful sliding drawers.

To this day, I still find it so fantastic.

In New Kensington, Pa., we had drawers that just pulled in and out but had no gliders......I suppose I should say the next joy was owning a dishwasher. Didn't have one before. Nor did we have a garbage disposal. And to do laundry I had to drag the laundry basket up and down the basement stairs.

Here I just move my body a few steps and my beautiful washer and dryer are waiting for me.

And the first thing in the morning the sunlight would beam in and radiate the living room through the cathedral windows...and it was like a million volt built lighting our house.

We felt like we were living in a little mansion. This is not to say we didn't have a lovely 'other house', but this is kinda more convenient.

I love my little postage stamp of a house. It's really too big for just me. When I waken, I can't seem to remember that I live here all alone.

You would think time would change this but time is like a kaleidoscope always changing ... a place between reality and fantasizing  remembering where everyone is   They're not here....just me.

I still feel very fortunate and know that I have a good life!


Thoughts from Hilda
These are my thoughts, during average days of my life. They're probably not of any interest to anyone other than my dear friends, my children, my nephews, grandnephews, and other people who have passed through my life.

Sunday, December 11, 2011


As I was discussing my walk down my cul de sac with Jeff and Donna on Skype, I happened to mention that I saw a dog answering nature's call.  I explained that I stood there waiting to see if the owner would do anything about it.   And sure enough, she grabbed it with a plastic bag and that was the first time I'd ever seen that done.

I had witnessed pooper scoopers but I had no seen this before.

So...I asked my kids about it.   Do you use regular plastic it awkward to grasp it...and all kinds of delicate facts like this.

So...Jeff gets a specially-store-bought bag for just this occassion and showed me how this is handled!    While he was doing this, I snapped their pictures....because who else owns a picture...or wants to own a picture like this.

  1. 1
    Poop scooping services are popping up all over the place.[11] While this is a costlier option, it is worth the cost for some people, especially if the dog waste accumulates in a fixed place like your yard. And if there is no service in your area and you're an enterprising sort, why not start such a service?[12] It could be very rewarding!
  2. 2
    Ask dog owners you know if they know of any good "waste handling" services.
  3. 3
    Ask a local landscaper or pet-sitter if they'd consider providing this service.
  4. 4
    Look up a service in the Find-a-Scooper International Directory at

Dealing with dog poop rebels

  1. 1
    If you come across someone who won't pick up their dog's poop right in front of you, assert yourself.
    If you come across someone who won't pick up their dog's poop right in front of you, assert yourself.
    If you come across someone who won't pick up their dog's poop right in front of you, assert yourself. Explain to them how unhygienic their action is and how it is disrespectful to the neighborhood. As well, explain that it lets down all dog owners who get smeared with the thoughtlessness of the few who don't pick up the poop and ends up with more bans on where dogs can go. There's no need to make a song and dance but do insist, and if it's a violation in your area, contact your community association or other suitable contact and report the incident.
    • You might say something like: "Sir/Madam, I realize that it's not the most pleasant task but as dog owners we have to show everyone else we are responsible and care about both our dogs and our neighborhood. Dog poop harbors disease and people don't want to tread in it. So, I'd really appreciate it if you'd pick up after your dog, just as I do."
  2. 2
    Offer the person one of your bags. The gesture is difficult to turn down because it's polite and it's showing the other person that you expect them to behave responsibly.
  3. 3
    Set an example to others by being proud to pick up your dog's poop.[13] This shows other dog owners an example of good dog ownership and lets people know that any mess around isn't from your dog.
Posted by PicasaI'm proud that my kids are good citizens!


I used to have a neighbor with a sweet massive great dane. I adored the dog, and I think the feeling was mutual. In fact, I like most dogs more than I like most people.

His dog was constantly leaving coffee table sized lumps on my lawn. I politely asked him to simply clean up after the dog. His reply: "How do you know it was my dog?"

Never mind the fact that the neighborhood was zoned against horses, the only other domesticated animal large enough to leave such a prize. I had seen him do it repeatedly.

So. The next time I saw one, I used a plastic bag, scooped it up and left it on the hood of his car in the North Carolina summer sun. When he asked me about it, I replied: "How do you know it was me?"

Of course, the dog and I were no longer able to be friends. The really irritating thing is that he stopped his dog from using my yard after that. So it was something he could have done all along, but by choosing not to was just being an asshole.

I love dogs. I have a dog. I clean up after him every single time he goes to the bathroom. The people who don't clean up after their dogs are the first ones to complain when they aren't allowed on the beach or in parks, etc. I love their dogs, but I HATE those people.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Thursday, May 1, 2008

lazy days on the front porch

One of the favorite pieces of furniture when I was growing up was our glider on the front porch. More interesting conversations took place there and that is the spot where we were able to feel complete happiness and delight with the world.

We would swing back and forth, either alone or with a member of our family and we would just enjoy.

My Sister and I bought song sheets at the 5 & 10, about 20 all different colored sheets...and with our girlfriends we would sing by the hour.

Now that I think about it, it's a wonder the neighbors didn't complain. I'm sure that it couldn't have been that enjoyable to them....hearing silly girls giggling and singing.

We really knew every lyric to every song. This is how we spent the depression years...sipping lemonade and singing ballads. One day a boy came a callin' and we were just sitting on the glider talking and laughing. Somebody's mother sewed me a broom stick skirt that was just the rage. I was about 16 and I was all dressed up entertaining on my glider.

I got up to serve him a glass of lemonade and when I got up, little did I realize he was sitting on part of my as I arose, the skirt just slid down and I was in my panties.

I was too embarrassed to come out again. Eventually he left...probably giggling!

How I long for my glider sometimes. When nighttime came, it never occurred to us to turn on the porchlight. We just sat in the dark and rocked back and forth. People took walks and neighbors would stop in and swing on the glider.

That was an era gone by....but the memory lingers on.

Monday, September 9, 2013

And this is how we occupied ourselves!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Old Fashioned Jacks

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Even when I was little I was not very dexterious with my hands. Does having little fingers have anything to do with this skill.

Anyhow..this is how we spent a lot of our summers..on the sidewalk or on the porch.

Later in life when we had a toy store, we sold a "SUPER BALL"...and it really had lots of bounce. Too bad I wasn't a little girl then because the super ball would fly high an I'd be able to pick up all the jacks.

I was much better at pickup sticks'. Today I would flunk that too. Do you recall all those colored wooden sticks that were not allowed to touch another? By the hour we had the patience to play these games.

How about checkers...I always took the black ones...reminded me of licorice. And how you'd scream in excitement...King Me--King Me!

And I musn't forget tic tac take X and I'll take O. We were happy and content with simple games..and that's how we spent our summers

Saturday, November 24, 2007

The Written Word!

We are so fortunate. When I go to the library, it's like a magnificent many books just to entertain me and also to make me a little smarter.

I just got to thinking about books because when I was very young, my first enrollment was in our free public library. Also my son's first connection with the outer world was his library card.

When I pick up a book, I hold it reverenly in my hands. I look to see how heavy it many pages...and then I wonder about the author. Did the author think long and hard about the storyline...or just sit down and begin writing. Did he spend much time searching for the perfect verb or adjective to give the sentence the punch desired. Was it put there for shock value.

So much to wonder about and what a thrill it is to open the flap and read a little bit about the story. If it's a thriller, I immediately return it to its shelf.

After I've finished reading and digesting a good book, I love to discuss it with someone...I like to lie in bed or in the bathtub and think about it some more...such enjoyment.

The earliest dated printed book known is the "Diamond Sutra", printed in China in 868 CE. However, it is suspected that book printing may have occurred long before this date.
In 1041, movable clay type was first invented in China. Johannes Gutenberg, a goldsmith and businessman from the mining town of Mainz in southern Germany, borrowed money to invent a technology that changed the world of printing. Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press with replaceable/moveable wooden or metal letters in 1436 (completed by 1440). This method of printing can be credited not only for a revolution in the production of books, but also for fostering rapid development in the sciences, arts and religion through the transmission of texts.

So..thank God for the printing press. The Egyptians used hierglyphics which is still preserved in the pyramids today.

I believe this is the greatest time in history for upcoming authors.

First of all...they can do all their research on the internet which really lightens their load. Now, all they have to do is weave a delightful storyline around it...and there you have a novel.

I make is sound so simplistic. Who am I kidding!! And I'm also grateful for much easier to hold.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Written 6 years ago

dear friends, my children, my nephews, grandnephews, and other people who have passed through my life.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Time is running out on 07

Writing a blog is kind of a solitary thing. I sit here and ponder where did the old year go..and did I make the most of the days.

I was introduced to a computer bought and taught by my grown-up children. Their zeal encouraged me to try to learn...and I believe I'm in the search engine everyday. I got a gps which I'm not that thrilled with..but eventually I guess it does take you to where you're going.

My niece and nephew bought me a digital frame and put all the pictures from my Picasso gallery into it. technology keeps moving along.

My friends are the same and I intend to guard them because I cherish them.

I'm ushering on a regular basis at Florida Stage..and I love it. I wear a white top and black slacks and black enclosed uniform. The patrons when they leave thank me for a wonderful show like I had something to do with it...but it pleases me that it gave them such a pleasurable feeling.

I've given up my migrant children because the new teacher aggravated me .. and so I left.

I did it for 7 years so...maybe that's enough of that.

Jewish people are very lucky. We get to have 2 New Year's. So you would think I'd get it right one of these times.

When I think of all the New Years' past...I can't get over the fact that I've celebrated so many.

And now once again...going into another year and wondering just what is around the corner.

Mathmatically, if one were to take a calculator and figure out all the hours, minutes and seconds, we'd say...where did they all go.

Time is an abstract!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Now Go To Sleep!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My Sister and I!

We shared a bed, my sister Elayne and I. We wern't allowed to take toys to we made do with all we had.


I was about 4 and Elayne 7...and we played 'feet'. What exciting times we had. Elayne would create a story and my feet were the characters in the play. If it was sad, I would curl my toes down. If there was happiness...I would spread my toes apart. Real actresses my feet to her fabulous stories. She was the director...and I followed her every command, because my feet were the stars of the show.

We did this for many years.

I lost my Sister when she was only 36....and we really never discussed our 'feet years'.

I haven't thought about this for years! What brought it to mind...I dunno!

My Father would yell up the stairs...all right girls....tomorrow's another day......and then we would go to sleep.

I really loved my Sister...and miss her still!

Time is an abstract!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Second Hand on a Watch--an annoyance!

 My friend Harriet...and I might include myself also, find the second hand gets in the way.

However, I shouldn't complain...we've come a long way from the sun dial.  Wonder if  I'd have ever been able to figure that our.   My brain is very challenged when it comes to numbers.

No more tick tocks to listen if your watch is actually working.   I guess I look at the second hand and that gives me the nod whether I need a new battery.

However, batteries are $3 and $4 and a new watch can be bought for $10 or $ I guess watches that aren't expensive can be considered disposable.

About 20 years ago I bought my husband Allen a new watch from K Mart with many features, which were a pain in the butt, but I wasn't aware of it when I purchased it.   I thought it was just fantastic.

Well, between the 2 of us, we weren't very when daylight savings time approached, we were very frustrated.    After many hours of Allen's working on this new device, I had the bright idea....this watch is very  inexpensive.      So...why not buy another one...just for daylight savings time.....and then we'd never have to worry about this again.

After all.....we moved to Florida to play....not to have to study the workings of this thing.

As I'm writing this, an old old song comes to mind....about My Grandfather's Clock was to large for the shelf...and it stood 90 years on the floor.   It was taller by far than the old man himself....anyway, this song must be over  100 years old.     Jeff used to play this song on the piano.

Back to the 2nd hand.......I believe we just have to learn to live with's not removable....and time is such an moves so fast and yet so slowly.........and I'm trying to make the most of it.

Time is a gift from Our Creater and we must cherish each day.   I do !

I'm going to fire Henry!

Monday, August 27, 2007

The Man In My Life-Henry!
After reading my heading, anyone who knows me is really curious by now. Is Hilda leading a double life.

Fact is Henry is my constant companion who speaks to me, and he's very controlling. He tells me where to go and I'm under his spell, so I take direction from him.

He's a friendly enough fellow until you get him riled up and he has to recalculate.

Okay, enough cutsy stuff. Henry's my GPS that I carry in my car because I'm directionally-challenged.

Only thing is, whenever I go out, my friends always want to do the driving. First thing when we move from A Court to Nesting Way, his distinctive voice is bossing us whether to go left or right.
My friends, for some eerie reason, always do the opposite of what he tells them to...and we're off to a bad start.

When we get on to Military Trail, his agitated voice is still whining that we're to turn around...going the incorrect way.

Now, if I were behind the wheel, I would obey him. I try to tell my driver friend that she should really give Henry a chance to prove himself but to no avail.

My friends have minds of their does Henry! I'm the only one who doesn't.

I have yet to venture out into the world with just my little robot friend and listen intently to what he has to say. Ruth and I were going to Two Jays a deli for dinner. It's very new so it hasn't even been entered into Henry brain cells. When I programmed the directional, I had no address so I just put in Congress and Old Boynton Beach. Well, when it finally realized we weren't following a just gave up.

It uttered in a quarulous tone...fine any place you want to park and drive safely. Then it shut down! Nothing more heard! Rejected! I felt so badly that I stuffed him in my purse to hide and sulk!

If I get's not my fault. It's all on his shoulders...and I'll much for technology. Not my problem.

The Source of all evil!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Friday, September 6, 2013

Always about my son

Friday, December 3, 2010

The chicken or the egg...or the lyricist or composer !!!!!

It's always bothered me about music.   I love to hear songs sung...with poetic lyrics.  Now country music tells a complete story in so much detail that I don't enjoy listening.

But...let's take "Over the Rainbow"...the lyrics we all know were written by Yip Harburg.   His name will not go down in musical history...but the melody and words certainly will.....and the music of course was composed by Harold Arlen, a familiar name for many compositions.

When Jeff was in third grade, he was in a piano musical recital...and that was his song.   Of course, his father and I thought he was sensational.

It all started a year before.   We had placed an ad in our local Valley Daily News in the classifieds...wanted cheap piano for beginner.

Somebody 3 streets away read our need because she phoned within an hour after the paper was delivered.

She had in her basement an old upright player piano with bench..asking price $10.00.  How fantastic for  us.   We hired a mover and he had a problem getting this through our front door.

The guy said to about us sliding it into your garage,  then into your basement.  

No way was our son going to practice in a cold damp cellar.      So  our front doorway was   goughed getting it in.

Allen painted it the same color as  our living room...and padded the bench with foam rubber so that little Jeff's tush would be comfortable.

Then we hired a blind piano tuner and he removed the player guts which were all rotted...another $25.00.

The piano teacher came to the house weekly to give Jeff ,  Schaum  lessons....simplified but to  this mother's ears sounded like Carnegie Music Hall.    I even took the phone off the hook so that he wouldn't be interrupted.

But back to lyricists Tim Rile wrote the words for Evita.     We all know  about Andrew Lloyd Webber....but not a thing about Tim.

Charles Hart wrote the lyrics  for Phantom of the Opera.....another unknown .

So....I'm trying to figure out if  the lyrics are as important as the music.!!!!!!!!!  I kinda believe that the words are more important.

But anyway...Jeff's recital was a complete success...his family made up the audience!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Our days of Remembrance are upon us!


This was written awhile ago....but it's the anniversary!!

And the Yartseit Candle is lit once again dear Allen!
In Loving Memory!
Allen dear, I recall with the tenderest of thoughts our good life together....and the way it was!

As the Yartseit Candle burns down,,, The flame triggers millions of loving memories!

The candle in the kitchen flickers and dims!
Yes, I lost my best friend.
Feb. 28, l990.

I wish he could come back back for just a little while so we could tell him how much we miss him....and love him...but maybe he knows that.

For ten years , a decade, I have lived alone........but my husband is never far from my memories and thoughts....because we shared a life together...children together....although we lost our baby girl to Tay -Sachs disease.

We had 4l years together...most of them happy....some sadness....but that's what living is all about. He was a good kind person who cherished his family..

I look at his picture...and he's smiling at me.
I have the advantage of choosing any image.... making him any age on my he's always smiling at me ... 29 years old....and we were newly married.....and our married life was just beginning.

This generation may look at him as controlling. Not me....he just cared so very much about everything I did and thought....and he took such a big interest in my life....and this I adored.....
He even liked to go food and clothes shopping with me....helping me 'pick out'.....and it was fun!
He helped me make decisions!

George Gershwin wrote a song about this..."Someone to Watch Over Me".....and how fortunate I was to find someone to do just make me feel so special..

The Jewish religion has us remember our loved ones on the anniversary of their I follow tradition...because it's ritual........but I really believe in my heart that it should be lit on our loved ones 'birth date' life!.

So....on this solemn occasion.....Jeff and I recall with loving memories this very important person in our lives....who lived according to the Rules.

May Your Soul Rest In Peace Dear Allen....Amen!


This was written awhile ago....but it's the anniversary!!

And the Yartseit Candle is lit once again dear Allen!
In Loving Memory!
Allen dear, I recall with the tenderest of thoughts our good life together....and the way it was!

As the Yartseit Candle burns down,,, The flame triggers millions of loving memories!

The candle in the kitchen flickers and dims!
Yes, I lost my best friend.
Feb. 28, l990.

I wish he could come back back for just a little while so we could tell him how much we miss him....and love him...but maybe he knows that.

For ten years , a decade, I have lived alone........but my husband is never far from my memories and thoughts....because we shared a life together...children together....although we lost our baby girl to Tay -Sachs disease.

We had 4l years together...most of them happy....some sadness....but that's what living is all about. He was a good kind person who cherished his family..

I look at his picture...and he's smiling at me.
I have the advantage of choosing any image.... making him any age on my he's always smiling at me ... 29 years old....and we were newly married.....and our married life was just beginning.

This generation may look at him as controlling. Not me....he just cared so very much about everything I did and thought....and he took such a big interest in my life....and this I adored.....
He even liked to go food and clothes shopping with me....helping me 'pick out'.....and it was fun!
He helped me make decisions!

George Gershwin wrote a song about this..."Someone to Watch Over Me".....and how fortunate I was to find someone to do just make me feel so special..

The Jewish religion has us remember our loved ones on the anniversary of their I follow tradition...because it's ritual........but I really believe in my heart that it should be lit on our loved ones 'birth date' life!.

So....on this solemn occasion.....Jeff and I recall with loving memories this very important person in our lives....who lived according to the Rules.

May Your Soul Rest In Peace Dear Allen....Amen!

Monday, September 2, 2013

And it always tasted like sulphur

Friday, September 28, 2007

The old water pump!

When I was a little girl, one of the things I really wanted was a water pump.

It looked like so much fun! However, if you took a sip of this water, it had a very strong taste of sulphur.

I had a lot of trouble pumping it because I was so little and skinny..and I guess not very strong. I used all of my strength to lower the handle and get a couple of drops out of it.

Why do I think of this today! Because we're in a boil-your-water for at least 2 days. If we wanted to eat out, can we trust the restaurants to do this? I dunno! Maybe we should just stay home and boil.
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The only time I ever saw these pumps was when we would take a drive out to the country. I didn't realize then that this was a real hardship on the folks living in that house.

To was simplicity! Now I have learned better!