I think by most religious and secular standards we are meant to be fruitful and multiply....and that is such an adventure...building your nest together..all the household things that make a home...and then after a while, planning a family....and babies are so lovable and so much work and patience. That's why God created young parents..so they could get down on the floor and play with the little ones.
For this we have no real training. It should be instinctive that we know 'how to grow a baby, from tot hood to young adults.
Now this is where Natalia and Luke enter....I watched them...two beautiful, exquisite people...about to embark on this gigantic journey through life. You could actually feel the love that generated between these two souls.
I watched Natalia's parents and they looked so happy. I also watched Andrew and Barbara, and they looked like they were going to explode with pride and love.
I came to this wedding with the grandma Harriet...and we witnessed this most joyous occasion...the blending of two families. Natalia's cousin Aurora really extended herself to us...she took 'us in hand' and made sure we were comfortable no matter where we where. She just kept an eye out for us.
As we were leaving to go to the airport, this sweet, kind lady saw that Harriet was not able to lift her legs to get into a cab, and she physically pulled us into her car, and our luggage, and off she drove us to the airport.
We were so grateful to her...not just for what she did...but the manner in which she handled everything....made us feel like it was just something that wasn't any problem. The wedding was a lovely affair that will long remain a memory that will remain because it was done with such thought and beauty.
I know that Natalia and Luke will have a happy life. How do I know this?