Sunday, February 22, 2009

Meet Rebecca

Rebecca donates 10 inches of her hair to children who have cancer.

Rebecca is Abe and Rosalind's granddaughter. They used to live here in High Point....and we are very good friends. They moved to Detroit so that they could watch their grandchildren grow.

Robin and Steve are Rebecca's parents...and she has a brother Jacob.

This is such a loving family and I'm so proud to call them friends.

Rebecca reminds me of the migrant children that I read and do homework with at Hagen Ranch School.

Soooo cute!

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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Other Years .. other Christmases for Pat and Mike!

Hi again dear readers. I would love to enlarge this picture of Pat and Mike that I dug out of Facebook...but I don't have the know how. Can anyone out there help me.

This picture was taken quite a while ago, but they're still very recognizable and very good looking. Pat is one of my chief readers of my blog and she actually inserts comments. Her comments are better than my writing skills.

They're going to be grandparents again in March...and I wish them much joy!
Meet Nicholas who is their pride and joy. They visit here and Mike and Pat visit Nicholas.
What a nice family!

Meet Ruth Fagan

Hi...does she look like a grandmother of many? I don't think so. People who live in Florida don't seem to age.
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Saturday, February 14, 2009

What a Beautiful Couple

.If you look deep into the eyes of Edie and Bill Hirshhorn, you'll see what I see....kind, giving, wonderful people.

When they first moved to High Point, Edie couldn't understand why I didn't want to line-dance. I just couldn't make her understand that I have two left feet and didn't want to be embarrassed. I didn't want to fail line-dancing.

Edie also ran a Yiddish Club here and gave it her 'all'. She made it very interesting even though she doesn't speak much Yiddish. That went by the wayside when interest waned.

Edie was also our Sunshine Lady for many years...she sent cards to everyone no matter the occassion. She just had to be notified....and it was done!

Bill sings beautifully and joined the choral group at our neighboring High Point and I went to see 3 of his concerts. Enjoyed it so much.

To watch them dance is a real graceful and they flow to the rhythm of the music....just floating.

Edie and Bill have had some serious health problems the last couple of years, but it hasn't kept them down. ....always smiling!

I just came back from our pool and they were both in the water. ...charming and happy.

Nothing will get them down....and I'm proud to be friends with them.

Stay as sweet as you are....wish we had more people like you.

The picture was furnished by Virginia ...taken on New Year's Eve.

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Sunday, February 8, 2009

We Buy Ugly Homes

Was it just about a year and a half ago that we would see billboards all over the highway...we buy ugly houses.

Well, now I would expect a sign to read....we'll even buy beautiful homes for very little money.

But no....these signs are non-existent...because times have changed. Yep. it all started with the housing market.

Everybody'sgreat American dream...homeowner. But who can blame. We all like to have a covering over our heads.

They made it so easy to own a down nothing...just interest. That sounds so great.

But now our country is in doldrums. Banks have run out of operating capital...and they're not really interested in owning homes..that's not their business.

Maybe if I was young and had some available cash...I would fall for some of these schemes....but I'm too old to even consider for a second.

Obama has surrounded himself with some of the best heads in the country.

Can they come up with a solution...or do they know just as much as you and I.

I'm glad I own my little villa here in High Point...I have no debt. Thank G0d.

I pray every night that the unemployed with find jobs...that's so humiliating...and frustrating...and makes a person lose confidence in himself.

I would like to set the calendar back to the 90's when technology doubled and tripled our portfolios.

I guess just plain old greed got in the way...and I'm part of it. What would really make my day is to see a giant billboard.....WE buy Ugly Houses. I often wondered what an ugly house is...was the kitchen where the bathroom should be...were the stairs in the wrong place leading to nowhere. Did they still have coal burning stoves....did they have ice boxes instead of refrigerator.....rabbit ears on their tv...if they had tv.

Did you have to go thru one room to get to another one. Was it painted bright purple? What could make it so ugly. Anyway...I want to see that billboard one again...and then I'll know that times are stable.