Friday, August 31, 2007

Meet my Teachers!

This is Jeff and Donna, not only my kids, but the ones who taught me to use this.

While Jeff and I were at the pool, Donna would be preparing things that I needed to have inserted so that I would know what to do when they typing an evelope in a computer...or putting a graphic in my many things.

When we returned, after lunch, Jeff would sit me down in this chair, and instruct over and over again...what a desktop to use each of the to do everything that I needed to know at that time.

When they visit again..I'll be eagerly awaiting more lessons. Thanks Jeff and Donna!
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This is Jeff the one I birthed!

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wrote this a few years ago...but I ressurected it because it's time for another very special birthday!

You Grew Up....but when did this happen! My Birthday Boy--Man

I can't believe I'm writing a website page for your birthday, Jeff!

And so time has marched on!
My dear Jeff.....I have so much to say to you...and the years of enjoying you...almost 47 of them plus one more...the 9 months I carried you...and that's when Dad and I first fell in love you you.

Imagine we didn't even know you yet, but we knew we would adore you...and we were never once disappointed. You fit the bill!

You just happen to be a very nice person...and now I'm remembering all the years of your life with the tenderest of memories...that you've lived so far.....but the best is yet is come!

Like for instance how on Saturday mornings, you would sit so close to the television set to watch your cartoons, with the sound hardly audible, because you ddn't want to wake your sleeping mother.
And I would eventually walk into the living room...and there you were, munching on a box of cold cereal....but letting me sleep...lazy mother!

Gosh when you were so tiny, and our front door (50's style) had 3 windows going horizontally...and you could barely reach the low window, but you would stand there on your tip-toes waving bye bye to daddy who was off to work.. He would honk his horn until you were no longer visible....and you would stand there waving until he was no longer in sight. Such an endearing memory to hold in my heart..

You couldn't possibly know because you were sleeping, but the very last thing that daddy did every nght was to straighten your body in bed for the night and arrange the covers. It didn't matter that you would re-adjust yourself 5 minutes later.. It made him feel a carress to his son!

And, Jeff, you were such a poor eater. Until this very second, It didn't occur to me....perhaps you didn't like my cooking...but, poor kid, you lived at our you were a captive audience.

How proud we always were on report card would always bring home all A's....but you never made a were just a good student. On PTA nights the teachers all had glowing things to say about if there were others like you, their jobs would be easier. Their only didn't volunteer.

Our little ranch-type house had only one bathroom....and if it was occupied and somebody else needed to use it...he magic word NEXT was the command...and the room would be immediately available. Our little family of 3 were very respectful of one another.

And this is crazy....but I was absolutely thrilled when you were temporarily expelled from Valley High Marching Band because you played hookey and went to a basketball game. You were all boy and that was good too!.

Dad and I enjoyed your Cub Scout Blue and Gold Banquets.......did you? The meatloaf, mashed potatoes and peas.....Duncan Hines cake after.

Do you know, Jeff, when you were very little, and I'd try to picture you the man....I wasn't able to visualize it.

Well now, I have the pleasure of remembering the boy....and seeing the man!

And so, my son,my birthday wish for you is to be happy your marriage with wonderful your own home-based computer business...and with life in general.

Life was meant to be happy.

Happy Birthday....Jeffy


Thursday, August 30, 2007

Labor Day 07

While I was growing up and in school Labor Day was a sad time for me. It marked the very beginning of the school year. Also the last two weeks in August was vacation time when we usually went to Atlantic City. Being a Pittsburger, we didn't have an ocean, and that was a really big treat for us. Just the smell, the fragrance of the ocean was such a treat...salty water smell.

A really old custom eschewed wearing white after Labor Day. The custom is rooted in nothing more than popular fashion etiquette.[ In actuality, the etiquette originally stated that white shoes were the taboo while white or "winter white" clothes were acceptable This custom is fading from popularity as it continues to be questioned and challenged, particularly by leaders in the fashion world. "Fashion magazines are jumping on this growing trend, calling people who 'dare' to wear white after Labor Day innovative, creative, and bold

Being as I live in Florida, this is really great news for me...don't have to put away the white slacks or white sandals.

Labor Day is a United States federal holiday that takes place on the first Monday in September. The holiday began in 1882, originating from a desire by the Central Labor Union to create a day off for the "working man". It is still celebrated mainly as a day of rest and marks the symbolic end of summer for many. Labor Day became a national holiday by Act of Congress in 1894.

This is a poem that I had to learn to memorize in the 7th grade and it stayed with me all these many years.


Thank God for the swing of it,
For the clamoring, hammering ring of it,
Passion and labor daily hurled
On the mighty anvils of the world,
Oh, what is so fierce as the flame of it?
And what is so huge as the aim of it?
Thundering on through dearth and doubt,
Calling the plan of the Maker out
Work, the Titan: Work, the friend,
Shaping the earth to a glorious end,
Draining the swamps and blasting the hills,
Doing whatever the Spirit wills
Rending a continent apart,

To answer the dream of the Master heart,
Thank God for a world where none may shirk
Thank God for the splendor of work!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

When I glance at my gallery!


I take such pride in my gallery of pictures from Picasso. It's such fun for me to select the one I want and insert it into my blog. It's so much more interesting for me to look at my own pictures of people in my life than going to a museum.

Everyone one of these pictures have deep meaning for me and it makes me feel good just to look at them.

I'm never quite sure how it'll look on this page but this computer is just amazing.
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Jeff and Donna adopt Lucy

I had no idea
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I had no idea that adopting a pet from Animal Shelter entailed such scrupulous researching. You must make application for a pet and then if they think you're a good candidate, they come and interview you and inspect your home and yard.

I guess if you fail this exam you don't get a pet. But luckily Jeff and Donna passed with flying colors...and the day finally arrived for them to meet with 60 beagles to see which one they would really bond with.

Well, you see Lucy's picture and she is now a member of the family.

I love a beagles sad begging you to love them.

I know in my heart of hearts that Lucy has found a wonderful home with my grownup children...and many wonderful hours will be spent bonding with Lucy and training her.

That is a tremendous job that requires tons of patience but she looks, Jeff and Donna, have fun

Monday, August 27, 2007

The Man In My Life-Henry!
After reading my heading, anyone who knows me is really curious by now. Is Hilda leading a double life.

Fact is Henry is my constant companion who speaks to me, and he's very controlling. He tells me where to go and I'm under his spell, so I take direction from him.

He's a friendly enough fellow until you get him riled up and he has to recalculate.

Okay, enough cutsy stuff. Henry's my GPS that I carry in my car because I'm directionally-challenged.

Only thing is, whenever I go out, my friends always want to do the driving. First thing when we move from A Court to Nesting Way, his distinctive voice is bossing us whether to go left or right.
My friends, for some eerie reason, always do the opposite of what he tells them to...and we're off to a bad start.

When we get on to Military Trail, his agitated voice is still whining that we're to turn around...going the incorrect way.

Now, if I were behind the wheel, I would obey him. I try to tell my driver friend that she should really give Henry a chance to prove himself but to no avail.

My friends have minds of their does Henry! I'm the only one who doesn't.

I have yet to venture out into the world with just my little robot friend and listen intently to what he has to say. Ruth and I were going to Two Jays a deli for dinner. It's very new so it hasn't even been entered into Henry brain cells. When I programmed the directional, I had no address so I just put in Congress and Old Boynton Beach. Well, when it finally realized we weren't following a just gave up.

It uttered in a quarulous tone...fine any place you want to park and drive safely. Then it shut down! Nothing more heard! Rejected! I felt so badly that I stuffed him in my purse to hide and sulk!

If I get's not my fault. It's all on his shoulders...and I'll much for technology. Not my problem.
